课题: 1.国家自然科学基金-山东省联合基金-基于斑马鱼模型的西沙群岛海绵共生体抗炎活性先导化合物发现与优化(102万/206万)万(4/10) 2. 山东省科技型中小企业创新能力项目-基于临床实践的慢性肾病药食同源新产品研制与产业化示范,2023-07 至 2025-07, 40万元,子课题负责人; 3. 山东省自然科学基金三院联合项目 ZR2016YL009,典型重金属污染物对人体健康损害评价体系的建立,2016/12-2019/12,50万元,结题,主持; 4. 山东省科学院青年基金项目 2015QN010,斑马鱼幼鱼固有免疫功能评价关键技术的研究”,2016/01-2017/12,10万元,结题,主持; 5. 校(院)ESI培育学科开放课题“以线粒体自噬为靶点的中药天然产物的快速筛选与活性研究”,2020.01-2021.12,10万元,主持。 6. 国家自然科学基金青年基金31301077,抑癌基因ZHX2调控肝癌细胞中DNMT3B表达 的分子机制研究,2014/01-2017/12,23万元,结题,参与。 7. 山东省博士后创新项目专项资金201202019,HPV癌蛋白E7通过甲基化酶SET8抑制 p53蛋白活性的研究,2012/01-2014/10,5万元 ,结题,主持。 8. 973项目子课题2011CB944402,子宫接受性和蜕膜化的调节机制,215万元,2013 /1-2015/12,结题,参与。 代表性论文: Yuxin Shi, Lei Li, Chuansen Wang, Jing Huang, Lixin Feng, Xiqiang Chen, Attila Gabor Sik, Kechun Liu, Meng Jin*, Rongchun Wang*, Developmental toxicity induced by chelerythrine in zebrafish embryos via activating oxidative stress and apoptosis pathways Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 2023 :273:109719. Rongchun Wang, Qingyu Ren, Daili Gao, Yam Nath Paudel, Lizhen Wang, Pengyu Zhang, Baokun Wang, Xueliang Shang,*, and Meng Jin*. Ameliorative effect of Gastrodia elata Blume extracts on depression inzebrafish and cellular models through modulating reticulon 4 receptorsand apoptosis. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 289 (2022) 115018. (一区,TOP ,IF=4.36)
Xueliang Yang 1, Xue Wang 1, Daili Gao 1, Yun Zhang, Xiqiang Chen, Qing Xia, Meng Jin, Chen Sun, Qiuxia He, Rongchun Wang *, Kechun Liu*, Developmental toxicity caused by sanguinarine in zebrafish embryos via regulating oxidative stress, apoptosis and wnt pathway, Toxicology Letters 350 (2021) 71–80. Rongchun Wang #, Kechun Liu*, Yun Zhang, Xiqiang Chen, Xue Wang. Evaluation of the developmental toxicity induced by E804 in zebrafish embryos. Front Pharmacol. 2020, 11(2020):32 (二区,IF=3.845). Lizhen Wang, Xueliang Yang, Xiaobin Li, Rostyslav Stoika, Xue Wang, Houwen Lin, Yukui Ma, Rongchun Wang*, and Kechun Liu* ,Synthesis of hydrophobically modified berberine derivatives with high anticancer activity through modulation of the MAPK pathway, New Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 44, 14024 – 14034, Rongchun Wang, Stoyka Rostyslav, Xiaobin Li, Houwen Lin, Xuanming Zhang, Shanshan Zhang, Kechun Liu, Lizhen Wang Synthetic and antitumor comparison of 9 O alkylated and carbohydrate modified berberine derivatives, Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 2020, doi.org/10.1007/s13738-020-01985-0). Rongchun Wang #,Zhenkun Liu,Wen Chen,Ying Yang,Jingpian Peng *,The antitumor immunopreventive effects of a DNA vaccine against CYP26a1 on mouse breast carcinoma, Vaccine, 2011, 29(48):8915-8923. (三区,IF=3.234) Conggang Zhang#, Rongchun Wang, Zeyu Liu, Eric Bunker1, Schuyler Lee, Michelle Giuntini1, Douglas Chapnick, Xuedong Liu*,The plant triterpenoid celastrol blocks PINK1-dependent mitophagy by disrupting PINK1's association with the mitochondrial protein TOM20. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2019, 294(18): 72-87. (二区,IF=4.106). 王荣春#,程丽芳,韩利文,何秋霞,陈锡强,侯海荣,张新军,李莹*,刘可春*, 芪智消渴颗粒对MPTP诱导斑马鱼神经损伤的保护作用,中国药理学通报, 2018,34(6): 873-878.
专利: 张姗姗,王荣春,等;一种竹柳抗氧化活性组分的制备方法和应用,2019-10-15,中国,ZL 2016 1 1103795.4. |